Relay For Life began in May of 1985

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Relay For Life began in May of 1985,, when Dr. Gordy Klatt took his first step on a 24-hour marathon around a Tacoma,, Wash. track,, raising $27,000 for the American Cancer Society. Since then,cheap uggs,665 E@ 36 3@EE=6\765] p, Relay for Life has become a worldwide movement to end cancer. Each year, more than 3.5 million people in more than 5," said Kent Lindell,,000 communities in the U.S. gather to raise much-needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer. The event has spread to more than 20 other countries and raised more than $3 billion. Our own local Relay for Life has raised more than $1 million since it s inception in 1989.

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