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SALT LAKE CITY Animals in zoos unused to the conditions and close quarters of their enclosures can develop mental health issues, experts say.These animals respond with erratic behavior not native to their species. a polar bear named Gus who used to swim endless figure eights in his small pool. Many animals cope with unstimulating or small environments through stereotypic behavior,coach factory outlet, which, in zoological parlance, is a repetitive behavior that serves no obvious purpose,ray ban outlet, such as pacing,is about elevating a conversation,,In one positive sign, bar biting, and Gus figure-eight swimming, Slate said. Trichotillomania (repetitive hair plucking) and regurgitation and reingestation (the practice of repetitively vomiting and eating the vomit) are also common in captivity. Experts have called these habits zoochosis. They behave in ways that would not occur in the wild, if the animals were left to their own devices. In captivity,ll love this movie., animals may face a number of challenges for which evolution has not prepared them, that works to keep animals in the wild,Clarkson Potter,coach outlet store online, explained on its site. The climate,he has argued, diet and the size and characteristics of the enclosure may be completely alien to the species as it exists in the wild. Many zoos have recognized and addressed the problem of zoochosis by giving the animals more complex activities like food that takes longer to eat,, or puzzles and other distracting toys. According to Slate,, enriching the enclosures of animals in zoos has reduced zoochosis by 53 percent.Laurel Braitman,toms outlet, author of Animal Madness: How , told Slate that drugs are often used in zoos, though they are not inclined to admit it. Finding out that the gorillas,stressing that he believed that China, badgers,michael kors factory outlet, giraffes,cheap michael kors bags, belugas,cheap uggs australia, or wallabies on the other side of the glass are taking Valium, Prozac,including in the ferry industry., or antipsychotics to deal with their lives as display animals is not exactly heartwarming news,michael kors outlet online, .Since zoos are designed to be enjoyed by humans, Slate said, there are few advantages for the animals on display. It is stressful to be stared at,Turn Blue, and they are stuck in tiny fractions of the space they would have in the wild. Although zoos claim to be introducing visitors to animals in an attempt to foster conservation,cheap ray bans, there is no evidence that is effective. An examination of the study by researchers at Emory University the results exaggerated, noting that there is no compelling or even particularly suggestive evidence for the claim that zoos and aquariums promote attitude change, education, and interest in conservation in their visitors, Slate said.

MINIMUM WAGE: Ross supports the ballot initiative that would raise Arkansas's $6.25-an-hour minimum wage,, the country's lowest, to $8.50 over two years. Hutchinson opposes the ballot initiative.

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