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The issue: The Legislature last week rejected a bill that would have lessened the penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana.We believe: Lawmakers should reconsider that position. Perhaps they could put the idea on the list of topics to study during the interim.Tell us what you think: Contact us via email at .It s only going to take one.The first time that a family member or friend or political contributor of state Rep. Steve Harshman,Shares of WWE were body slammed, R-Casper,cheap uggs australia, has his or her child arrested for possession of a small amount of marijuana, the lawmaker is going to change his tune.Mr. Harshman helped to lead the charge in the state House last week against a proposal that would have eased Wyoming s penalties for persons caught with small amounts of marijuana.Among other things, the lawmaker and committee chairman ludicrously implied that drug cartels are behind the sale of recreational pot in Colorado. Put ignorance together with an election year and that is the kind of foolishness that comes out of the mouths of Wyoming politicians.But just wait until the aforementioned teen is busted coming home to Casper from a trip to Colorado, where sales of recreational marijuana now are legal. When Mr. Harshman or any of the other opponents of decriminalization sees the pain of a 16 or 17-year-old kid saddled with a fine of 1,coach outlet store online,000 and jail time of one year, he will alter his position in a hurry.It always is this way in the Legislature. Lawmakers love to moralize until state statutes touch them. Then it is time to raise the speed limit or alter some other inconvenient law.State Rep. Jim Byrd,LONDON, D-Cheyenne,,47 billion, was right to introduce this bill. It was a proactive step to avoid making criminals out of young people. If Mr. Harshman and others want to hide their heads in the sand and pretend Wyoming kids aren t using marijuana, they can do so. A friend or political crony will pull it out for them soon enough.Please understand. This newspaper is not in favor of legalization of marijuana or even of medical pot. Wyoming has enough problems with alcohol. It doesn t need law enforcement officials dealing with stoned drivers.But that is not the same as easing penalties for having a joint or two in your pocket. Mr. Byrd s bill would have created a civil (not criminal) penalty of 100 for those found with up to an ounce of pot and 50 for those with a half-ounce.And before Mr. Harshman and the others go spouting off about liberal legislation, they might consider that Nebraska no haven for left-leaning radicals has a similar law. The first arrest there is a 300 civil fine with a ticket being issued rather than hauling the offender off to jail.We understand lawmakers initial reaction to Mr. Byrd s proposal. This editorial board also was initially opposed to decriminalization until we spent a little more time thinking things through and saw the implications of the current law.While the issue is dead for now, we urge legislative leaders to put decriminalization at the top of the list of topics to be studied during the interim before next year s session. That way they can spend more time considering the implications of current policy, such as the 2,cheap uggs,254 arrests for possession in 2010 and the 9 million that is spent each year on marijuana law enforcement.The trick will be to set penalties high enough to discourage marijuana use but low enough to not turn casual users into criminals. With some clearer thinking than that of Mr. Harshman, we know lawmakers can do just that.